Friends of Lakeside Park

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The Case for Transparency

December 26, 2020

After a flurry of accusations of misinformation, name calling and traded barbs on social media, we are, once again, calling for transparency in the processes involved that may lead to radical changes at Lakeside Park. 

A representative government depends on an informed electorate. An informed electorate needs access to information. This is why we have open meetings laws. We feel that has been lacking through the entire process- leading to speculation, uncertainty and cynicism that social media platforms only amplify.  

Let’s take a look at some of what we know, based on the Lakeside Park Enhancement Agreement signed back in October, focusing on the recently contentious issues. 

A “management team” has been formed to make decisions about how the Alternative Master Plan (AMP) is implemented.  They are due to submit their proposal sometime in early January, 2021. Here is the part of the agreement that forms the Management Team: 

Here it explains what they will be releasing for approval: 

We also know that, when the agreement was signed, Lakeside Forward was an LLC – a legal structure usually used for for-profit businesses. There is no mention of a foundation or non-profit in the agreement.  As of this writing, a possible change in structure is undisclosed.  It is clearly not included in the agreement.

It is spelled out in the agreement that an unknown amount of money will be periodically donated to Lakeside Park, a portion of the rent collected from the restaurant operator.  An unknown amount of money will be set aside for operating expenses.  It also specifies that profits will not go to donors or LSF members. 

We feel there are far too many unanswered questions in this roughly $10 million agreement that was prepared and approved in haste. An agreement like this usually involves a long process of negotiation between city staff (especially the city attorney; it is a legally binding agreement) and the outside party. 

City Manager Joe Moore went public on “Between the Line with Greg Stensland” before the September 23rd City Council meeting detailing the usual procedure and advising the Council to slow down and not to sign a binding agreement.  Johnson Consulting, authors of the feasibility study also advised against a rushed agreement. Council went ahead and approved the agreement, despite that advice. 

There are many more questions, but in today’s example we have these:  

  • Why is the management team’s structure and membership not defined? 
  • Why was Lakeside Forward set up as an LLC?  
  • If the intent is to form a foundation or nonprofit, why was that not spelled out? 
  • How much money will be donated back to the park and when will this occur? 
  • What are the anticipated operating expenses for the “Reserve Fund”? 

Closed door meetings have been going on to answer and hash-out some of these questions- which of course, should have been answered prior to signing. It is little wonder citizens feel left in the dark when important decisions are not made transparently- leading us to the larger question: 

Why are the AMP Management Team meetings not open to the public?

The Friends of Lakeside Park have made requests for an opportunity to attend or receive a verbal or written report of what has been happening in those meetings, which have been rejected.  We urge the city and Lakeside Forward to offer 100% transparency.  This will alleviate much of what we’ve experienced on social media.   An informed electorate needs access to information. 

NOTE:  All of the clips above are from the Lakeside Park Enhancement Agreement filed with the Affidavit of Anthony Garcia, the attorney representing the City of Fond du Lac in our legal action.  It is exhibit #4 and begins on page 35.  We provide all of the documents for the public to read on our website.  Click here to go to that page

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