Friends of Lakeside Park

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Tyler Reimer - Capstone Presentation

November 4, 2021

Tyler Reimer is a Landscape Architecture student in his senior year at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.  (pictured above with John Papenheim) Tyler selected our Lakeside Park for his Capstone Project.   He spent Monday, Oct 25th in Lakeside Park and then attended the Advisory Parks Board meeting where he gave a presentation, took comments from board members and the public and then guided everyone through an activity to identify areas of concern in the park.  

Tyler had large maps of the Lighthouse Peninsula and Frazier Point.  Each person was given a green, pink and yellow sticker to place on the maps.  The stickers symbolize the following: 

  • Green- area is fine, leave it alone. 
  • Pink – could use some improvement. 
  • Yellow – definitely needs improvement.  

 This activity was a really quick visual way to see how people feel about needs in the park.   You can see the result of the activity in the pictures below. 

It was decided at the meeting that there will be an online survey for citizen input on the park.  Stay tuned and be thinking about what you want to see improved and left alone on Lighthouse Peninsula and Frazier Point. 

Below are Tyler’s slides from his presentation and maps of the areas of focus.