Friends of Lakeside Park

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What Happened to the Citizen Survey?

February 22, 2021

Last summer, the City of Fond du Lac opened up a comment section on the Lakeside Park Masterplan webpage.  John Papenheim donated and put up signs in Lakeside Pake that showed the pictures of the proposed development that were in the Alternative Master Plan.   These signs directed people to the web page to leave comments.  321 people left comments with 298 of them doing so in the months of July and August 2020.  The site is still open.  You can click HERE to go and comment.  

To date, there has been no public discussion of these comments.  We downloaded them and compiled the answers.  82% of the people oppose going forward with the plan.  Especially unpopular is building a restaurant on the shoreline.  

We have put the citizen comments into a spreadsheet on our google drive.  You can click HERE and go read the comments.  It is clear from the comments, citizens do not favor going forward with development on the peninsula.  The current location  for the restaurant is still on the peninsula.   It is time for a referendum to show the people the plans and let the people decide. 

Will the City Council respect the people who took the time to respond at the official city website and issue a formal response?

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