Friends of Lakeside Park

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Lighthouse Drive Reconstruction Project - Update May 2022

May 22, 2022

Last month, City Staff presented a proposal for the reconstruction of Lighthouse Point at the Advisory Parks Board Meeting on Monday, April 25th.  There was not a quorum of the board, but there was discussion about the proposal and comments were taken from the board and the public.

The two issues that were discussed most were the loss of parking spots facing Lake Winnebago and the passing of the recreation trail in front of the cars parked in the parking lot.  On Monday, May 23, at 5:30pm the Advisory Parks Board will meet and again.  Three new members will be joining the board.  John Papenheim, James Misudek and Dale Albrandt. 

For this meeting, there are two  options to consider.  You can see the two plans above.  Click on the photos above to see larger copies of the plans or click HERE for Option 1 and click HERE for Option 2.

There is also an extensive memo describing the Options.  You can see the memo below.  Click on the memo photo or HERE to see a larger copy of the memo.

Option #2 involves the removal of trees at the lakefront.  Included in the packet was a picture of the four trees that would be removed.  In the packet photo, the trees had faint red Xs marked over them.  We have enhanced the red marks so you can clearly see them. 

The Packet also included survey information taken by the city from November 2021 to May 2022.  318 people responded to the survey.  You can see that the top two improvements wanted on Lighthouse Point were seating and walking/bike paths.  The results are shown below. 

Your input is essential as we consider changes in our park.  The meeting agenda shows that audience comments will be after the presentation.  You can comment at the meeting in person OR by attending virtually.  When you attend an Advisory Parks Board meeting, you are asked to fill out an audience comment/particiation form.  You can fill out this form and express your opinion even if you do not wish to speak at the meeting.  On this form note that you are commenting on Item IV-D.  

Virtual instructions are given below for joining on your computer or by phone.  Remember that you will be commenting on Item IV- D Lighthouse Drive Reconstruction Project.  

Virtual Instructions:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (571) 317-3129 

Access Code: 468-283-245  IV

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